Easy Crafts Wiki

River Bear Crafts and Gifts is a page found on Facebook where you can purchase handmade crafts and gifts. We have a multitude of crafts from woodworking to glass etching and a bit of everything in between. We welcome everyone to come and take a peek. We enjoy reading your comments and feedback on our work. We also enjoy answering any questions that you may have and hopefully making friends of the same intersts along the way. So feel free to interact with us. We try to load new stock to our page on a regular basis usually within a couple of days. This way it keeps a good stock on hand as well as providing a larger selection for our clients to choose from. River Bear Crafts is a small upcoming buisness that takes pride in the items we create and want to create. We find crafts to be a rewarding hobby that we so love to share with others. It's a passion for us that runs deep within us and is put in everything we create. Crafts to us is a healing agent that brings joy to all.Crafts can be realaxing to create, inspiring to look at, enjoyable to purchase, a meaningful gift to give a comfort to the grieving or the sick the list goes on and on. We hope you truelty do stop by our page and share in what we do. We wish all the best in all that you create and we hope to hear from you soon. Happy crafting from all of us here at www.facebook.com/RiverBearCrafts

