Easy Crafts Wiki

Kate.moon Kate.moon 26 July 2011

DIY Sporty Bookends

Looking for a fun, creative way to sort your books? Check out these cool baseball bookends from Man Podge Walter! If you have anyone in your life with a passion for sports, especially baseball, these may be the perfect gift idea!

Check out the tutorial and step-by-step instructions on Mod Podge Rocks Blog. Of course the bookend can be replicated with any hobby you like, be it sports or food!

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Kate.moon Kate.moon 21 July 2011

DIY Harry Potter Wand

Chances are that if you're a die-hard Harry Potter fanatic, you've wanted your very own wand from Ollivanders as long as you can remember. While you may not be able to access Daigon Alley on your own, you can have your very own customized wand! Check out these awesome wands (made from just paper and glue!) from Your Life Uncommon Blog!

These will be fun crafts for your kids AND you can even customize the colors! I can't get over how durable and wood-like they look. Will you be trying these at home? Find the entire tutorial here!

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Kate.moon Kate.moon 18 July 2011

Harry Potter Magic

If you're a fan of the Harry Potter series, you may have a hankering to practice magic just like the young wizards of Hogwarts. And if you watched the last Harry Potter movie and read the book, you may be coveting the awesome power of the Deathly Hallows. After all, who wouldn't want an Invisibility Cloak or an unbeatable wand of destruction to do your every bidding? With the help of the awesome crafty people at Craftzine, you just may well be the lucky owners of all THREE of the Deathly Hallows!

Lion Brand is offering tutorials for making yarn versions of the Invisibility Cloak, Elder Wand, and Resurrection Stone, as seen on the right. They will even be encased in a "shimmering glow" for a magical effect if you knit the items with Vanna's …

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Kate.moon Kate.moon 16 July 2011

Harry Potter Treats

Happy Harry Potter Month crafters! If you're participating in Pottermania by baking Harry Potter treats or dressing up like Harry Potter characters, we have another great idea for you!

Check out this awesome cake pop, created by Amybites,designed to look like the Golden Snitch from Quidditch! Isn't it adorable? It's roughly the same size as the fluttering ball and it even has the wings! Not only do you get to play with the Snitch and eat its delicious sugary center, but it won't fly away from you before you get a chance to bite it! What's better than that?

Check out directions on how to recreate the Golden Snitch Cake Pop at Amybites!

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Kate.moon Kate.moon 15 July 2011

Jell-O Masterpiece

Would you ever use Jell-o as a medium for serious works of art? According to The Wall Street Journal, Jell-o is no longer a humble dessert; it is now being used by avant-garde chefs and artists alike! Everything from jell-o sculptures to a new haute fusion cuisine of "gelatinas," gourmet jell-o cakes that have the flavor and texture of both.

Companies are moving quickly to accommodate this new trend. Powerhouse Kraft Foods plans to launch a marketing campaign this fall, known internally as "Mold Mania," introducing new molds, such as one in the shape of a brain for Halloween. Meanwhile, newer companies such as Blooming Gelatin Art specialize in gelatinas, which can be quite ornate and decorative.

Check out some artistic jell-o offerings! Wil…

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