Easy Crafts Wiki

Rather than spending the money on a $4 Hallmark card and buying a box of chocolates for the people who you love, put time into making them something that will show them they are worth your time. You don't have to make anything extravagant, it can be a simple as coloring your own card or baking them their favorite tasty treat.

Here are a couple simple ideas from me and Craft Goddess Kelley Moore :

1) Make some heart shaped sugar cookie and then frost them in various pastel colors. Then with a frosting pen or a tube of icing write your own phrases on the cookies. Package them up and give them to your friends!

2) "Let me count the ways": Decorate 14 cards (you can use 3 x 5 index cards) in which you write reasons why you love that person, special memories, and special IOUs like cuddle time or a back massage. You can put these into numbered envelopes and then hole-punch them and tie together with a string.

3) Date in a basket: Put together a basket with wine, some snacks and dessert for a picnic with your special someone. If you want to be more romantic add a rose and a custom valentine.

4) Make homemade valentines for all of your friends and host a Valentines dinner. All some crafty decorations and put each valentine on the plates to serve as centerpieces. Add some cupcakes and you have a party!

These are just some quick ideas, but put in a few minutes and I am sure you will come up with even more creative ideas! Enjoy this Valentine's Day with those you care about and show them you love creatively.

Happy Valentine's Day!
